Friday, March 9, 2012

How can Mccain blame Obama for immigration in Arizona , when its his state and he has done nothing for over 20 years now for his state on immigration reform? Why doesn't he take a position on the law his state passed on immigration?|||Please clarify - which side of his mouth was McCain speaking from?

Yes, he blames the federal government for not doing enough to seal the borders.

Wait, he is part of the federal government. Does he think the voters in Arizona are stupid? Well, they are so I guess that's why he's able to get away with his inaction.|||Because that's what Republicans do.

They blame others and the American people fall for it over and over and over again.

Wake up, America.

We all know that 12 million plus illegal immigrants did not just get over here on President Obama's watch.

McCain pretended to come up with an amnesty bill just to get the Hispanics to continue to vote for him all these years.

But now his true colors are showing by the speech he gave on the Senate floor supporting the new Arizona immigration law.

Google his speech. I'm sure it's out there. He's all for the law now.|||Absolutely...and he was on the news tonight with the other whining republicans complaining they had too many things to do. But I think the republicans are stalling for time, they cannot allow Obama to more changes that will show the Democrats are the party that is not afraid to make changes. They think the American people are stupid and will vote republican so that they can have control and finish the job that Bush started destroying this country.

And consider this...shouldn't the republicans have address this issue since 911? They did absolutely NOTHING but spend money on two wars and lavish tax cuts on the they stand back and are not adult enough to admit that this is ALL their fault! Disgusting...and disgusting that people are so naive to believe these habitual liars.|||ah! yes! the hypocrites that is the govt-once again they fail to tell the american people that America actually benefits from illegal immigration-and because of this immigration that is one of the most powerful countries in the world.|||Well Obama did run his campaign on fixing the immigration problem so he sort of set himself up for this but honestly I don't think anyone on capital hill wants to touch this issue which is why some states feel the need to try to tackle the problem.|||Obama is blamed for everything, whether he is responsible or not. McCain simply followed suit.|||He's going to get smoked by any Conservative who runs against him. That RINO and and many others are going to pay for their Liberal ways of the past.|||because in Obama STATE OF ADDRESS in Jan Obama said he will tackle immigration in his first yr and he didn't Mccain maybe be a i big man but unfortunate we have a AMERICAN HATEN MUSLIM IN in the WHITE HOUSE for now


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