Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My 16 year old sister did a stupid thing ang got pregnant with her 17 year old boyfriend. She wants to continue her life like normal and have an abortion. My opinion is that she take responsibility for the situation she got herself into, but I support my sister in her feelings. She doesn't want our parents to know about it and she just wants to get past this. What are the laws regarding minors and are there any clinics in Arizona that don't talk to parents? Thanks.|||You really expect us to believe a sixteen year old is pregnant with a 17 year old baby? This is impossible.

Send your sister to Planned Parenthood. Bless you for supporting her right to choose.|||People who have never experienced the trauma of abortion have no ideal what the lifelong consequences of this decision are. Unfortunately I did 25 years ago with a woman I was in love with. She was worried what her parents would say and I was young & motivated. I regret that decision to this day. He or she would be 25 years old and might have had grandkids for us. Blonde, redhead, brunette...blue eyes, green eyes... who knows now. I wish I did. Parents will find out eventually and pray they understand and help her thru this. Adoption is always a grand option for those not ready for parenting. Lots of couples wanting to be loving parents that can't conceive thier own baby.|||Hey,

Has your sister thought about adoption? Whether she decides to keep the baby or let him/her grow up with another family, please, for your sister's sake don't encourage her to get an abortion. I've met sooo many women who regret their abortions years, and even decades later and don't want anyone to have to go through that pain.
In addition, I don't know how far along your sister is, but even at a few weeks your niece or nephew has a beating heart, tiny little hands, legs, etc. 鈥?at only 7 weeks babies have been known to begin sucking their thumbs! Abortion will (painfully) kill this child, so please discourage your sister from going through with the abortion. (They're pretty gruesome, but if you've never seen what happens to the baby during an abortion I recommend Googling abortion pictures.)

I know talking to parents may be really hard for your sister, but they'll be able to help her the most. At least from my own experience, I've found that dreading talking to parents is usually far worse than the reaction after the fact.
I recommend either your sister or you check out www.optionline.org, people facing unplanned pregnancies can call or chat with them 24/7, and they can even help you find a local pregnancy resource center.

Please, for your sister's sake as well as your niece or nephew's sake, please encourage your sister not to get an abortion.

Hope this helps,



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