Friday, March 9, 2012

My grandparents are 80 and 85. They just recieved a cockatiel from my uncle which is really mean and bites them. Even though they didn't want the bird it was just left there. They don't want it to die or be let go in the wild so I went to look up any shelters for birds in Arizona. So far nothing has come up if anyone knows any shelters or pounds that accepts birds please answer ASAP. So far half our family can't enter there house because were allergic. Thanks.|||There is a bird sanctuary in Arizona called the Oasis. Their contact info is listed here:

If they cannot take your cockatiel, they can probably help find someone that can take him.

Whatever you do, do not release him into the wild, if he is let outside after being a domesticated bird he will be disoriented and most likely picked off by a predator.|||maybe u can sell it...thats what my dad used to do with our old parakeets.|||call ur vet and ask if they know any bird rescue groups!|||Leave him to the sky. The bird will love it and you will solve your problem.|||Take it to the local humane society.


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