Saturday, March 3, 2012

How much concern should this be for America?

Should we as citizens of other states do anything to help for either side? Should we protest or speak up. What should caring Americans do for Arizona? What do we tell our families what this is about and what is right about it or wrong?|||What is right about it?
The federal govt doesn't hire enough border police to protect our borders, so the AZ govt decided to empower their police to help them out. In the age of terrorism, having a secure border is important.

What is wrong about it?
This will not stop the "coyotes" from running people through. It may decrease it in AZ, but that still leaves New Mexico, Texas and California for them bring people via. It's also drug lords who bring many of the illegals in. As long as drugs are illegal and people in this country buy them, they will continue to use these people as a means to smuggle drugs into the country.

The AZ law is a first step in that it MAY deter the people in Mexico from paying these drug lords to bring them here out of fear of being in jail if caught. But most illegals try to come right back after being caught and deported.|||Federal law is much more strict than the AZ law could ever be , The Federal Law states that they may detain anyone for any reason at anytime for indefinite periods until proof of legal status is shown . So who in the hell is more draconian here AZ or the FEDS ?|||They are putting in place the federal law because our government won't do the job. Mexico doesn't allow illegals in their country. How does the president of Mexico have the nerve to tell us to take all his poor, criminals and then take our money. Liars seem to be the new government.|||Caring Americans should hope and pray that their state legislature has enough guts to pass a similar law.|||The very first thing you should do is read the text of the law, and not base your opinion on what others or the media say about it. You can find the amended version here:鈥?/a>

After you have read it and understand what it says, then form your own opinion on if it is good or not. To help, you also should research more on the federal law on immigration and see what the difference is. You will be surprised to see that there isn't too many drastic differences between the two. The major difference is that the Arizona law requires state and local law enforcement to enforce the law, which the federal does not.

My opinion on it? The only downside I see with it is that the law doesn't have enough "bite" to it. It's only a misdemeanor under this law, with just a small fine and a little jail time possible.|||First read the law. Second try to understand what the state is trying to do. Arizona is not trying to be a racist state. Arizona was tired of its citizens getting attacked and harmed by Illegals coming across the border. The Federal Government is suppose to enforce the immigration laws, but they do not have the manpower. Arizona just took responsibility and reliability off of the federal government and took it among themselves. Will and Can Racial profiling happen??? Maybe. You can not help but to detain Hispanics when they are the majority in the area.|||Fair is always subjective but here it goes.

I suppose the fairest thing would be to first read the law so any option gathered is based on first hand knowledge, not based on what political pundits (be it right or left) have given you. While most laws are giant 100 page novels full of complicated legal speak, 1070 is only 10 pages double spaced and I was able to finish it in about 30min with little head scratching. Weather you are for or against it you should read it. Critiquing a law you have not read is much like critiquing book you haven't read or a movie you never saw; it makes little sense.

How much concern should this be for America?

Well any answer would be pure opinion. The intent of the law is to mirror the Federal law that already exists making it illegal to be in this country without the proper visitation papers, visa, green card, ect... The primary difference is that originally only a Federal agent was allowed to inquire into someones immigration status (ICE agent for example). 1070 allows state and local police to do the same thing if they have "reasonable suspicion" (exact term in the law). This law is made with the noble intention of allowing the State to enforce a what AZ feels is a poorly enforced Federal Law. But will it actually play out that way? Only time can really tell.

Ultimately that is my position on the matter as well. Lets wait and see.

The one thing everyone seem to agree on is that illegal immigration is a problem. AZ just happens to think its such a problem that they are taking matters into their own hands. Lets let AZ be the test to see if such illegal activity can be controlled fairly and properly on the local level. This law will either work as intended, or it will become a tool of the racist cop. Only time will tell, in the mean time if you don't live in AZ and have not experienced the illegal immigrant issue as they have then you have no right to judge their actions.


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