Saturday, March 3, 2012

Not just in one state, but the federal government passed the this law 70yrs ago that all immigrants must carry proof of naturalization with them at all times. So what Arizona is doing is simply enforcing federal law. What is wrong with that?|||Exactly. They are acting as if this is the first time it has been illegal to be here illegally. Are people really this stupid?|||You are correct. I am now an American citizen, but when I had only my green card, I have to carried it with me all the time, it is the law. Now, I have to carry my license and if the police in Arizona stops you and you show your license, nothing will happen. Is they don't like too bad go back.

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|||while I don't iknow if ya gotta carry papers [ID] on your person all the time, I do know that you can be held for 72 hours while they check you out if you don't. I was born and raised in this great country for 66 years and I don't have any problem with it at all. If your not doing anything wrong, why would you sweat it, and if you are sweating ther is a reason for it...|||how does it promote racial profiling you idiots! what there are no black or white immigrants. Once again some winy as- yelling about raicial profiling. HOW many laws do you intend to allow illegals to break! pack your bags! THAT IS ALL ILLEGALS OF ANY NATIONALITY!!!! good question but does it matter? until politicians and our government pulls their head out of their as-es , law doesn't matter!
GOD BLESS ARIZONA AND ANY STATE THAT FOLLOWS!|||Just liberals and illegals whining about Arizona planning to enforce a law that the Feds have conveniently forgotten !!

My Wife carries HER documentation with her... right there with her driver's license.

I'm HAPPY Arizona has enacted this law... pushing the Feds buttons !! It took me almost 2 years to get my wife's visa through the State Department... meanwhile how many thousands of illegals just snuck across the border or overstayed their student visas ??|||Nothing is wrong with that the only thing is that like you said it is a FEDERAL LAW so why are the local or state police going to worry about that when they got robberies, rapes and other crimes to worry about?! And that law is just going to stop immigrants to be afraid to contact police even when a crime is being committed.|||It's a good way to stimulate the economy. Getting rid of illegals will give the jobs back to the citizens. Citizens spend their money in America. Mexicans send it to mexico.

It's also a good way to get rid of Notenos, Surrenos, M13, Zetos. mexico isn't trying hard enough. Now that they know their boys are on their way back they better be prepared.

It doesn't matter if they try to vilify us. I'm not afraid to tell the ingrates to get out of my house.|||you are 100 % correct
immigrants are required to carry their green card
as well as any american that is stopped by police must have i.d. or will be taken to police station until they can prove who they are
i will get thumbs down for my answer but look it up and let me no ..|||Thank God it will finally be enforced.

I am so sick of people lying and saying this law is in some way unconstitutional. If cops routinely let murderers free in your state - what is wrong with a law that forces them to do their job and arrest murderers? NOTHING.|||It amazes me that when Arizona simply restates a 70 year old law the ignorant come out of the woodwork to complain. For the guy above me, no Whitey isn't required to carry ID on him at all times, so says the courts.|||Yes, that racist FDR did that (sarcasm)!

Why isn't anybody screaming about the insurance papers we're going to have to carry. Or the driver's license that we always have to show.|||There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

They're just worried that the law will actually be enforced now.|||Yep. And the people who are protesting the law, know that is the law. The protesters are simply thugs.|||this law allows police to "legally" racially proife. What I mean is that cops can pull Anyone over they believe may be illegal. If you have darker skin, you may be pulled over for NO REASON other than the color of your skin. If you think this is legal and ok, think about how you'd feel if it happened to you. This law does so much more than enforcing old laws, it allows discrimination in the law. That is illegal! I am discusted with the politicians of arizona (not the people).|||Yup ! And SO is paying Ones taxes. And driving the speed limit. And not doing illegal Substances... But you don't hear a two bit Politician make a Federal case- out of Throwing THOSE lawbreakers into Jail when they break those laws- DO you ?!! :o PERCEPTION is EVERYthing in a State where over a quarter of the Population is legal Mexican American. And THOSE Voters DON'T like to be smeared with the SAME brush their Undocumented Relatives Are... Arizona could've AVOIDED this entire MESS- by putting it on the November Ballot for the PEOPLE to decide On... Instead, the stupid Republican Leadership there- decided to Pass a "In Your face" Law- to show how "tough" they are on Illegals -for the coming Election... And the "Fall Out" for Their Shortsightedness- has only JUST begun...-to hasten the State towards Bankruptcy... :(|||I did not know that and have emailed a few posters here for proof of their "opinon" via email. We will see if they are simply posting their views or the law. I don't know. What I do know is whether we Americans (and yes I love our Country and being exmilitary would have defended it with my life which thankfully didn't have to happen) believe the Mexicans are mostly good people with a good culture and are simply taking advantage of our lax security at the border to make a better life for themselves and their families. I have known/worked with many illegals who work their asses off and don't complain, show up everyday on time, will work ANY job, & are thankful for the opportunity UNLIKE most PC, soft, pussywhipped American "men" nowadays. We cry about illegals but are the first to hire the cheap labor force they provide. Face it, our immigration system is broken. I would rather have most of the "illegals" we are trying to keep out as my neighbors than the worthless social security seeking, welfare receiving, SSI beneficieries, "free" government check receiving neighbors I have now. How many Mexican "terrorists" come across the border. NONE. As far as gangs and drugs, America needs a gut check. It's the black (mostly & who could blame them) who are the culprits. Yes I expect alot of **** over my statement and will be glad to debate it with any intelligent person who cares to respond. My email is listed and I hope you have something intelligent to incorporate. No, I'm not racist (could care less about your skin tone). I'm simply talking statistics and personal knowledge.|||Read this:鈥?/a>

Apparently anyone from out-of -state is required to have either a passport or a visa. It also sounds like it was sloppily written and could easily result in abuses. I am Caucasian, and after reading that article, which has tons of exerts from Arizona SB 1070 (explanations and references), I would not want to go to Arizona after they start to enforce this stuff..|||It promotes racial profiling.|||What's wrong, is contained in Article 1, the additions to section 8.

The police are shielded from litigation for stopping someone erroneously, but any citizen of Arizona can sue them if they fail to stop someone "suspected" of being an illegal immigrant.

That means the only way a cop can get in trouble, is if he doesn't stop every brown person he sees. There goes both the 4th and 14th amendments to the US Constitution ("Illegal Search and Seizure", and "Equal Protection Under the Law"). They can say it isn't about racial profiling, but how else can the cops avoid being sued?

That same paragraph also prohibits the police from releasing a suspect until they've proven their own innocence. That's a violation of the 5th amendments guarantee of Due Process, specifically the concept of "Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law." The burden of proof is never on the suspect in this country, it's always the prosecutions job.

Will Arizona also be enforcing the Federal Assimilitive Crimes Act of 1909, which makes getting a bj a federal crime? Nope. They're only interested in enforcing the law that they can use against one specific ethnicity. You know as well as I do that it's not an overwhelming respect for the law that's fueled the remarkable passion this immigration debate inspires. The difference between a legal and an illegal immigrant is the amount of paperwork they've done. Nobody gets that excited about paperwork.

Think it isn't racist? Talk about hockey in earshot of a cop, and see if he asks to see your papers, on the off chance that you're an illegal Canadian immigrant. If he does, I'll let the whole thing go.

Gypsy Dave: Isn't that always the excuse for fascism? "If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear..." Surely this isn't the first time in your 66 years that you've seen that argument abused?


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