Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I want to make clear I don't believe this Conservative stupidity, but assuming it did, the Constitution would forbid the state from acting upon it.

In other words, no matter how closely the Arizona law resembles federal law, the state of Arizona would not have the authority to deport illegal immigrants.|||It is exactly what the judge ruled.

Immigrant Status, and the determination thereof, is exclusively Federal Jurisdiction.

AZ law took it a step further, by criminalizing illegal immigrant status.

Federal Law does not cirminalize being out of status. Illegal immigrants are processed in federal civil proceedings. Illegal immigrants are never sentenced to jail solely for the lack of documentation.|||it DOES mirror federal law.

and since it does, AZ is not MAKING immigration law, it is merely enforcing federally established immigration law, which makes it perfectly legal and constitutional.

If state's were not allowed to enforce federal laws, local cops would have to look the other way if someone kidnapped a bunch of kids right in front of them, and dealers could sell crack in the parking lots of local PD stations...since both of those things are against FEDERAL laws.

(and Arizona never intended to deport a SINGLE illegal....READ THE LAW...their law dictates that every illegal found would be TURNED OVER TO ICE)|||Apparently according to the federal judge enforcing federal law compromises how the government chooses to enforce the law and will overwhelm the system.|||Ding Ding Ding.
Finally someone gets it.
Regardless how the Arizona law if worded, states do not possess the power to create or enact their own immigration laws.|||They do have the authority to turn them over to ICE...The one issue seems to be forgotten is it is ILLEGAL to hire them.....|||I wouldn't know what to think about who's right until I read Judge Bolton's ruling myself and saw what case law she cited.|||It's not humane, the Arizona law|||It would actually be enforced.|||Wow, what a deep thought. And correct also I cannot say Wow enough. Wow|||They did not want to deport, they wanted to jail them|||whatever


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