Thursday, February 9, 2012

Only about 7 days left unless an activist judge that does not understand law overturns it. If so, I am confident that Arizona will take it all the way to the Supreme Court and naturally win. Where are the illegal aliens go? Sanctuary cities?|||I watched an interview with Jan Brewer and she feels pretty confident that Arizona will prevail. Hope so, anyway.

I also seen Sherrif Joe Arpaio setting up a whole lotta tents and getting ready for the illegals to come. LOL!

They are already starting to scatter and some are even going back to Mexico. This is making Mexico unhappy. Ironic that Mexico doesn't even want its own people. I'm here in Nevada and seeing a lot of illegals moving in with other illegals. Once we get rid of Harry Reid, we can do what AZ is doing.|||your a ******* racist white *****!
those people are NOT aliens okay? they are human beings just like everyone else *****.
Fuckinq white people like you should go to hell. there will ALWAYS be mexicans in usa. like it or not hahaha. who do you think you are bxtch.
_>Proud mexican right here!

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|||They will go to the bordering states obviously.
Then hopefully those states will pass the same bill, then the illegals will migrate to their bordering states, then those states will too pass the bill. Eventually the illegals will have no where to run but sea...

Man I feel smart tonight!
Of course obama needs to resign and every mexican official in office and council or governor needs to be eradicated because they stick up for illegals like they are a source of fresh water on a hot summer day.|||It would be nice if they went back to Mexico.
But they will probably go find some other Sanctuary state to leech off.
My state, Minnesota, is one of the 12 Sanctuary states in the U.S.
We have too many illegals here as it is, and now we will likely get a lot more.
Funny how illegal Mexicans don't mind the cold winters here as long as they get everything for free.|||Probably California unfortunatley. That means us in California will have to deal with a flood of these undesirables. Just what we need, a ton more illegals and racist Mexicans, oh great. As everyone knows, California's most racist group is the Mexicans, we don't need any more of these racists here.|||They'll migrate to any state that doesn't enforce such a law. So I say to all the other states to watch out and keep a close eye on Mexican license plates and anyone that drives horribly.|||Me and my 13 kids moved to San Francisco, a great sanctuary city. Note to all illegals, SF's freebies are much better than Arizona's.|||Away, I hope. A lot of them are already going. A person I knew, who was Mexican here on a visa, moved to Oklahoma recently. He was really nice and he played Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe with me before he left.|||kalifornistan, they could always use a few more to add a few billion more dollars to there state debt and to suck off there welfare system. Or they could go back to mexico. Or Washington state.|||I'm sure they will be coming to the peoples republic of Kalifornia naturally.|||California.

Can you say accelerated bankruptcy.|||Judging by the work force at local construction jobs I've been too lately I'd say Maryland and Northern Virginia.|||hopefully to every city that boycotted Arizona|||They'll probably be deported.|||There going to move in to Obamabams house .|||I hope they go to the planet Uranus.|||They're already leaving. I'm sure most are just going to other states.|||California... baby Were are not Racist Here.. : ) Welcome Mexicans, Irish
**** ARIZONA,|||Arizona will beg for those poor people to get back there you will see, there is free stuff in other state the US is huge hahaahahahaha!!|||You looks illegal and communist! show me your documents!|||Maybe we can get lucky and they will go to Auschwitz


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