Thursday, February 9, 2012

Whats wrong with asking for an ID? When you get carded buying liquor do you scream discrimination?

Whats Arizona supposed to do just give up?|||Hey!!!! Those illegals will be registered voters in about a month and a half if the Liberals have their way.
Personally, I'm overjoyed that Arizona is taking a bite out of illegal immigration.|||Because liberals want as many jobs taken away from real citizens as possible.|||because they want to give Illegals the right to vote, then people in Prisons they will vote Democrat|||They want them there to pass amnesty so they can get votes.|||How about they ask everybody not just Mexicans.

And like the guy below me said...since when have we had to provide papers that we are American while sitting on our front porch....a better question to ask would be "Why are Conservatives against the expansion of government unless its invasive and racially motivated?"|||Because this law includes:

Racial Profiling, basically any police officer can harass someone just because they look hispanic.|||I got 2 words for you.....


Have a nice day.|||cheap labor|||Why is it when a propagandist Commie calls a Liberal this or a Liberal that YOU DARN FOOLS PARROT ?|||You equate "buying liquor" with walking down the street or sitting in your yard.

Americans don't have to carry papers to prove they're Americans in America, commissar.

For people who don't get any non-Hitler reference, I'm calling him a commie.|||so they can have more boyfriends because liberals are all gay wads|||On the contrary, it's the cons who have supported illegals all these years, for the cheap labor.|||Mandated ID is against the law.
Unlawful search a seizure is against the law

Small government conservatives always want to create a larger, intrusive government.|||Liberals aren't against cracking down on illegals. Liberals are against treating US citizens like they are illegals simply because they look like they might be illegal.

The Arizona law would only be acceptable if police intend to require everyone to show proof they are in the country legally. Arizona doesn't have to "just give up." Every other state seems to be able to handle their illegal immigration problem without needing a law like this one. Maybe Arizona should try learning from its neighbors before resorting to racial profiling.|||Because alot of Democratic supporters are in fact Mexican or latino people. If they oppose something like this for whatever reason they will get their vote. Their argument is that it is racial profiling.

Hey, if you aren't a criminal or you aren't an illegal then you shouldn't have a problem with it and nothing to worry about.

That's why i align myself Independant. The other parties are looking out for interests of people that I have no interest in.|||The idea that "you build a 30 foot wall" is a third graders solution. However, the 35 foot extension ladder business will boom.
I'm okay with asking for ID's, having them pay taxes and giving an avenue to citizenship after some milestones have been met.|||The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.|||The libs don't want to lose the votes.|||Because liberals are crazy.

All states should have the same law. Any illegal should be branded and if caught again in the U.S. executed.

Liberalism is a disease.|||Getting carded to buy alcohol is about checking to see if you are 21. It applies to anyone who looks like they could be under the age of 21. It's about proving you're of legal status before allowing you to do something.

This Arizona bill opens the door to racial profiling. It will allow the police to presume someone might be illegal because they look Hispanic or speak Spanish. It doesn't require probable cause which is usually the standard for police searches and warrants. It would be fine if we could guarantee it would only target illegals. However, the bill would cause many CITIZENS to prove their status within their own country. Would you feel your Constitutional rights had been violated if the police demanded that you prove you're a citizen without any real cause?

Many of the people who support this bill also support the 2nd Amendment, and the rest of the Constitution. But if we only pick and choose what parts of the Constitution to support or who to protect, then we might as well burn the document. The Constitution only works if we respect the entire document and apply it to ALL citizens.|||They are spoiled and sheltered little children in adult bodies. They live in fairy tale worlds. They respond to what looks, sounds, or feels good, or negatively to what doesn't. It doesn't feel good to block grossly overpopulating hordes from flooding in and undercutting wages.

They cry for the people who impoverished themselves that way and are impoverishing the rest of the world with them. The little children in adult bodies are so clouded by neo-Marxist lying crap, they can't see that.

Actually the neo-Marxists are partly correct. The "greedy capitalists" do exploit the chance for desperately overpopulated cheap labor. But the greedy capitalists don't create the flood of excess labor.|||What's wrong with the Arizona law is that it's wrong for everyone who looks as though they have any Mexican ancestry to be stopped 57 times a day, even if it's only for a few minutes. Stopping citicans and legal residents every time they step out of their homes or travel more than a block, or enter or leave a building is harassment.

Would YOU want to live your life that way?

In general, just getting rid of ALL illegals is deeply misguided.

Dunno about YOU, but I can't afford for all my food to cost 10 to 20 times more than it does now.|||... Illegal aliens have always been vulnerable to employers, who could work them 40 hours, pay them for 20, and threaten them with deportation if they complained. But at least that was all they faced.

The proposed Arizona bill makes every brown skinned person -- especially women and children -- a target for every nut case in Arizona. They can now be raped, robbed, and beaten, and threatened with deportation if they dare to call the police. Think about it.

You can't sanction that in good conscience!

Yes, something needs to be done, but this law is not the right answer.|||Using the pointed word, "Liberals", makes you look very ignorant.

This law is one more step towards the entire US or A, becoming a TOTALITARIAN POLICE STATE!!!

Any person who believes in freedom can see this clearly.

Any Libertarian, who's a bit educated on this issue, should know that once those "der'n mexicans" are pushed into a condition of living that is similar to the Palestinians, the Corporate, WAR & SUPPRESSION MINDED ELITE PSYCHOS, will start to clamp down on the working class WHITE PEOPLE.

I'm sure all of you good minded "PATRIOTS" wouldn't mind being stopped by police when you're driving down the street with somebody from work who's got brown skin.

Or, all of you people who believe in America being the best FREE COUNTRY in the world, wouldn't mind being fined heavily by our wonderful legal system, for letting someone bring their mother over to your house, who's in fact, not documented.

It's nice to see how many of you good patriotic citizens believe that it's perfectly acceptable to be living in a complete TOTALITARIAN WORLD FOR THE RICH!!!!!! 666 666 666 666 666 666
I wonder if SATAN owns you???
----golly gosh der'n!!!!! ---doze dang librils gonna turn dis world to heell....


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