Friday, February 17, 2012

The Arizona SB 1070 has only been enjoined--and only partially at that.There is nothing that says the whole law won't be completely enforced at some later point in time.|||You are correct. It is just put on hold until a full trial can occur.

And no, a large number of them here do not realize that, but it seems to be sinking in with some.|||Of course I do. I'm an attorney.

Part of the analysis for granting an injunction is whether the plaintiff has demonstrated a likelihood of success on the merits. Meaning, in this case, a likelihood that certain portions of the law are unconstitutional. And the same federal judge will assess those merits after a full hearing. The chances of her changing her mind on the issue are pretty slim. What she's telling you is: "i'm blocking these sections from taking effect because I plan to strike them down as unconstitutional unless I see some new, very compelling reason not to."

You should expect the portions of the law that were enjoined to be stricken after a full hearing.|||Um...of course? The entire point of the ruling is that it basically delays it from becoming enforced. The good thing about that is that it provides time for the federal government to fully present their case, and I think it's likely that they'll win. This isn't the first time that the federal government has taken up a case against a state for trying to enforce immigration laws, which are the prerogative of the federal government as granted by the Constitution. So yeah, not long till it is fully struck down.|||Senators are supposed to be wise people, not dummy people
You can't ask an hispanic for his /her papers just because of the color of the skin.
You can't make it illegal to look for a job in the USA. PERIOD
wHAT IF A RACIST OFFICER DETAINS A HISPANIC AND PRESS HIM FAKE CHARGES JUST BECUZ HE HATES HIM????|||The judge blocked the part that requires immigrants to carry their citizenship papers. That's a huge step in the right direction, and away from Nazi Germany.

Nice try, conservatives... we will never let you shred our Constitution. This is the United States, and we are all equals here.

By the way, it's not just liberals who concluded that this law is unconstitutional. I know plenty of conservatives and Republicans who also agree with the "liberal" viewpoint.

...or is the "liberal" viewpoint really the "conservative" viewpoint in this case?|||We know their IQ, what did we expect? 0bama and Pelosi, now this. I have already seen celebrating on Y!A when we all know it hasn't been struck down yet. And when do Democrats care about the constitution? Last I checked, it was only when convienent.|||Judge Bolton issued a prelimary injunction against certain sections of the law. Yes, we understand what that means.

Was there a point to your question?|||Personally I think 1070 isn't that big of a deal at least not until Mexican Americans begin to complain about the police harassing them.|||A better question. Do Republicans know the difference between a constitutional and unconstitutional law?|||Yes, this is the first step. It means the law is so outrageous, we can't even let it go into effect before we review it.|||All I care about is that conservatives lost. Suck it.|||Yeah, but for right now the racists have been put on hold.|||Yes. I have yet to see any that claim anything but that.|||no, they were stupid enough to support 0bama/Pelosi too


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