Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Domestic Terrorism Apologists: Please spare us with your lies that "he's a liberal." Right-wingers always say this following one of their terrorist attacks despite this claim defying common-sense based on those targeted and being contrary to the evidence. No one is buying it.

Bonus Question: Do members of the terrorist organization known as the "Tea Party" view 9 year-old girls as legitimate targets for murder? Or was the one you murdered in Arizona just collateral damage?|||Based on the paranoid ramblings of his online page, I'd say he was most likely from a patients' wing of the local asylum.|||Ron. He hated the government, hated the Feds, and (blamed) it largely on the excessive deviation from the constitution he claimed that occured. I think he was too crazy to real defend or believe all this, but the media machine seems to brainwash the unthinking with all this junk.

But then again, he took Palin's subtle suggestion to gun down Giffords with an assault rifle a little too literally. He went to shoot a fairly liberal, pro-gay, woman who Palin's side went after. Local stations even gave out her address and suggested sending death threats.|||I don't really know but isn't it strange that this congresswoman was interviewed recently about the fact she was in the Crosshairs ( or her district) was listed on Sarah Palin's website with a Bulls eye on her head basically.
It could have given this nut job a feeling of entitlement to do what he did! Who knows?|||No he wasn't.


Go to You Tube and put Jared Loughner in the search. You will see the videos he made. You will change your tune and feel like a fool for posting this crap. I realize MSNBC isn't reporting the truth about Jared Loughner but other news sources are. Don't be left in the dark.|||Your theory falls flat with a dead Republican appointed judge at the scene. The idea of the Tea party being terrorists or having anything to do with a mass murder is silly. Your common sense is in short supply. In Obama's words, "Your acting stupidly."|||A college friend described him as liberal


The shooters favorite book was the communist manifesto
The shooter like watching our flag burn
The shooter hated God and Religion
The shooter was a pot head
The shooter is a liberal|||Look this guy up on UTUBE. His reading list indicates that he is no where near a Tea Party type.
He turns out to be a pschopathical government hater. His reading list includes Marx and Hitler. This guy is a real life Holden Caulfield. SORRY LIBERALS, HE IS ONE OF YOU.|||The shooter was an equal opportunity killer.

The judge he killed was a conservative. And he killed a child.

The shooter was one very sick person.

And the hard right will pay the ultimate price for his sins.

Sarah Palin will never be elected president now.|||Neither

"Nonetheless, read the United States of America's Constitution to apprehend all of the current treasonous laws"

"No! I won't pay debt with a currency that's not backed by gold and silver!"

He was just a psychopath who wanted to destroy the government|||He was a Person who was in need of psychiatric treatment and not just recently.

As to sharing some responsibility for such horrid actions, count in Beck, Limbaugh, Palin and
Bachmann.|||The shooter was a liberal, left wing, Registered Democrat who worked on the Obama campaign.

You need to work on your denial and stop being an apologist for this murderer.|||1. The man was liberal
2. I think he was from your pinhead wing of the Liberals
3. Stop trolling|||Liberal|||He was crazy. But most of his posts to the internet indicate that he was left leaning. Don't like the truth, then continue to ignore his own words.|||Palin wing|||It is too bad that those fine Innocent people lost their live to day in AZ and you are still spewing hate!|||The fact that he has written on the internet about the illiteracy of Americans leads me to believe that he is a liberal..|||You really remind me of the south end of a north bound horse, jerk!|||Stop. Let us all pray for Congresswoman Gifford.|||No, it is not from the Tea Party. To assume that seem paranoid to me.

.|||Look it up, apparently you are the only one who hasn't. The guy is a left winger and you look foolish with this question.|||You question is childish and it reflects your lack of concern for our country, this isn't a game.|||Amazing how left wingers are jumping on the It's the Republicans fault bad wagon.
And we're ignoring the facts as usual. He was a loony, but his ideology runs greatly along with Liberal/Democratic Ideology. According to his Youtube site he leaned way way left. But he's a right wing hit man? You call Republicans murderers w/out knowing all the facts so I made a list of Republican/Democratic presidential assassination attempts. Even multiple attempts on the same person. and broke it down into Democrat and Republican. Guess who has more attempts against them. Republicans. Does this mean that more democrats are Murdering Psychopaths? Or are we going to actually look deeper into the story than just say, oh he shot a Democrat MUST be a Republican.


Abraham Lincoln
James A Garfield
William A Mckinley
Theodore Roosevelt
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Gerald Ford
Ronald Reagan
George H. W. Bush
George W. Bush
George W. Bush
George W. Bush
George W. Bush

John F. Kennedy
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman
John F. Kennedy
Ronald Reagan
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
Barrack Obama

Andrew Jackson not included, because this was before the party system was established completely,
But I will acknowledge that he did shape the modern day democratic party. ALthough it's interesting,
He did support slavery. Weird? Eh, Dem's?|||Wrong. The tragedy in Arizona, where Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot and seriously wounded by an incoherent maniac has caused many leftist heads to explode in absolute, unadulterated idiocy.

First of all, congrats on once again trying to politicize a tragedy. It warms my heart to know that suffering and dying by humans brings out the worst in many on the left and that common decency doesn't matter half as much as trying to score partisan political points using the most incredibly stupid line of attack available.

While we're at it, I would say to my friends on the right that it is equally nauseating to try and turn the tables and place responsibility for this crime on the left. The reasons both sides are so monumentally wrong is simple; the shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, wasn't just nuttier than a fruitcake; he was so sick that he was oblivious to the world around him. He was caught up in an alternate universe to the point that trying to say that something from our reality set him off is laughable. o_O


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