Friday, February 17, 2012

I saw how he was applauded in Congress for his speech. But nobody every mentions Mexico's harsh immigration law, which doesn't even compare to Arizona's. Mexico is also building a fence to the South. I'd like to see some Mexicans complain about that. But of course, they only care about themselves, so they rather protest here that their illegal behavior should be rewarded while waving their Mexican flags.|||It is all about the money. Illegals in the US send millions back to Mexico. The more that live here, the more money is pumped into the Mexican economy. Also, by living in the US, they use OUR health care and other services that Mexico doesn't pay one red peso for. The fence they are putting up, is to keep other poor people from entering Mexico and placing a burdon on them!!!|||Mexico gives us a lot of oil

We have to take it


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