Friday, February 3, 2012

The law says the following:
A law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may not solely consider race, color or national origin in implementing the requirements of this subsection except to the extent permitted by the United States or Arizona Constitution.|||Dumb pasty rednecks don't look like Mexicans.

They won't be hassled by this law.|||So it isn't racist ok well people from all countries come here and believe it or not some are white when they don't get citizenship and their visa expires they are illegal crazy I know. White kid gets arrested for weed probably wont ask for papers hispanic kid gets in same trouble bet you he would.

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|||What the law states and what will happen are two different things. There is no way a officer can enforce that law without race being a factor.

Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard opposes SB1070. He stated that the bill "does nothing to improve border security or address the core issues of illegal immigration." He also said it would "take law enforcement resources away from stopping more serious crimes."

The Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police (AAOP) firmly opposes it for fiscal reasons and It contends that it would hinder the investigation of more serious crimes and erode the trust between police and immigrant communities.

Mesa Police Sgt. Bryan Soller, who is president of the Mesa and Arizona Fraternal Order of Police, has expressed similar concerns, stating that the bill "will bankrupt our city."|||Regardless of what the law says, the only way to enforce the law is through racial profiling. The few agencies in the state that actually enforce the law are not going to waste resources randomly selecting people. They will target the group they view as illegals, hispanics. The problem with that is Arizona, bordering Mexico, has always had a very large Hispanic population and it will negatively affect American citizens.

The Republicans can kiss the Hispanic vote goodbye for years. They already lost the black vote, who had traditionally voted Republican until Republicans resisted the New Deal and their later implementation of the Southern Strategy in the late 60's. The Republican party is only responding to its Nativist white base and becoming an even more marginalized regional party.|||If you have no ID, Drivers License, Birth Certificate, Passport, Visa... then you will be under suspicion of being an illegal alien... the law doesn't state anything about race.
All children have social security numbers... so there isn't any reason why you would not be able to prove your citizenship if you are stopped by a police officer in Arizona. They probably can check your status on their computers to confirm your status easily enough. As long as your legal you have nothing to worry about.|||Ok, well Wolf. Sadly your wrong. And so many people are getting these views. To become a legal in the United State. You have to know the language. Now there is temp. Visa, also work Visas, and a few more Temp Legal status for eaither possible school, work, etc. But to become a full time legal, you have to know the language. So if some mexican, cant even speak with an officer, thats one good sign that he is an illegal. Another thing, look mexico has so many problems (emphysis on MEXICO) Now when there are over 12 million illegal mexicans, Crossing the border, taking under the counter jobs and sending all that money back to mexico. Drug cartels costantly kindnapping across the border then running back to mexico, and wanting ransome. Killings are all part of mexico. Some mexicans say that this bill will make officers only look for mexicans. Well hmmm, let me think about it. Well since, mexico is right there, no other countries border america from the south. So why on earth would we look for ******* russian or what not when mexicans are the problem. Anyone ever here of tough love, and looking after americas interest..Not spick land|||Now Arizona is the hotbed of xenophobic , you don't want to see it but the Arizona Law that have beens signed clearly showing that any one who looks Mexican or Hispanics is a suspect. The Law insult the human dignity of others with these law. Furthermore is corrupting society, disturbing the public peace. >LAW incites hatred against segments of the HISPANIC population calls for violent or arbitrary measures against them. I don;t know about you but you might be living in a bubble.|||People who are against the law don't know what they're talking about. 70% or Arizonans are in favor of this law. They have a kidnapping every day, crime is rampant in the streets, hospitals are filled with people who can't afford it, schools have to educate thousands of kids who don't speak English and taxes are wildly unfair to the legal residents. Phoenix is now a combat zone. And this is all because of illegals. I think we should bow to Arizonans opinions because they're in the best position to know the situation and how to deal with it.

People who are against the law are outsiders throwing stones like the rest of the armchair generals out there.|||I can't go to a shopping center (in almost every city around here) near a Home Depot without being stared down or almost hitting one of these illegals who runs in front of my car. They have been allowed to loiter around, use our education system, and run their scams here long enough. This law will instill some kind of faith for me in this very crippled system. How are we supposed to be proud to be American when more and more non-citizens come here to not benefit our economy (by undercutting citizens wages), but to syphon our dollars back to Mexico? Thank you, I am very Happy. By the way, I love everyone that played by the rules and came here the right way!!!! Yeah for them!!|||"Not solely"

So they can consider race AND national origin?
race AND color? Mix and match.

Does it also specify what "papers" will justify your presence in Arizona? A truck driver was told his license and soc were not enough and was arrested. He is a lifelong citizen. Be extra sure YOU have the correct paperwork on you.|||Seriously, who cares! The only ones crying about this, is the ones that are illegal or the ones that have loved ones that are. If I got pulled over and got asked for paperwork, I would hand it over smiling bc "HA! You don't have me!". Come on, this is getting laim. Police aren't suppose to beat people either but they do! They even beat their own race! The police will do their job accordingly and for the ones that don't will be punished. Like Sheriff Joe stated, "If I pull you over and you have your drivers license and insurance and nothing else, you'll get a ticket and go on with your business....but if you have all that and 10 people piled up in your car, of course I'm going to start asking questions."|||"state may not solely consider race, color or national origin" - that means they must have other criteria in addition. It may still be used as a basis to question. So you don't go to jail for being dark skinned, but you can be asked for your "papers" because you are.|||There is no racism in the bill, in fact is specifically says “may not solely consider race, color or national origin”

People should actually read the bill before making conclusions.|||its the law but they complete bypass it. Come on who are they going to stop, an asian with a suit on or a mexican with a cowboy hat driving a pickup with music blaring. The latter. So yea they are going to use racial profile. The only other way is if they get lucky and the illegal happened to pass a red light or something|||Its all about racial profiling. Hopefully, the Arizona police officers will do their job. Watch for actual crimes, not waste their time trying to find illegal immigrants. What does an illegal immigrant look like?|||Arizona's new law is not only racist, but it is also unconstitutional.|||When this law is trying to be enforced I'll guarantee the race card will be in use like never before.
Its all they got. It's last resort politics.|||Its not. but the race card is all the Libs have. I have never been pulled over or went through a DUI check point without being asked for my ID.|||Because they are going to stop a mexican-american. But I will stick my middle finger at them.|||thats anti-racist... its saying that they CANT base their decisions on race alone.|||Well said!|||The law is not racist at all.

I think the liberals are just playing the race card to get as many illegals in the country as possible and then signing them up as voters for the Dems.

It isn't like many Dems will be voting Democratic any more after the healthcare debacle and everything else slammed down our throats.


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