Monday, February 6, 2012

What can Arizona police do that federal police can not?|||It actually might be enforced.|||It'll actually be enforced.|||The only difference is that the police CANNOT profile. Other than that the two laws are the same.|||The AZ law is actually FRIENDLIER than the Federal Law.

The AZ law specifically forbids racial profiling and requires the person to ALREADY be detained for another legal matter.

Anyone complaining about the AZ law is merely showing their ignorance and lack of education on the issue.... oh wait... that includes Obama. putz.|||Well for starters Arizona will actually enforce the law, something the Federal Government is currently not doing.|||It is not can not, it is WILL NOT on the fed's part.

It adds a state penalty in addition to federal penalties. (There IS precedent in law for this!)|||It's basically the same. One difference is that the law will be enforced by REAL COPS
instead of the Federal Border Patrol.

The Border patrol is so micro managed that those guys are almost afraid to do real police work.

Frickin Federal Government.|||This one will have a positive impact for the good people of Arizona!

Arizona police will do their job...........................

and "F" Obama!|||It just enforces the federal law.

Arizona Go!


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