Friday, February 17, 2012

I have a college research paper to do. It's my final for this semester and it's due next Monday. I couldn't find any resources to write about the campus life(it's required).

I know U of A is a honor college but I don't know what to write about.

If you study in the University of Arizona, please answer my question. It would be a BIG help.|||I am currently at the UofA (graduating in May 2010!), and campus life tries its hardest... Campus life has gone under since the last two concerts racked up enormous debt. I'm sure there's always something going on...but lately, there has been small events like an art show that supposed to "connect" Tucson to France (really...?). Homecoming wasn't too long ago, and that event is large-scale lasting about a week long, but it doesn't really get going until the week end with the tents and the game. I enjoyed it because I got to see a lot of people that I don't normally see...ergo, the point of homecoming. I usually look to off-campus opportunities. Pitbull is coming tomorrow (Tuesday), and I think I'll get to that concert. A good source for what's going on oncampus is the school newspaper: The Wildcat. Maybe you can look that up on the website.

I'm in the Honors College, too. They're always doing stuff, but I think the best thing about it is that you can register for classes early. They also have supportive meetings/informationals about big-name scholarships. Regarding activity, the Honors College hosts movie nights and plays (where the actors are honors students).

Another big thing is research! The reason I chose this school is the research, and I have noticed that there are a number of opportunities to present research or see other peers present theirs (Undergraduate Biology Research Program Poster Presentation...this January, Graduate and Professional Student Council Poster Presentation (Homecoming)).

I'm sure other people do more...


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