Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I might could help them.
I was a printer for 20 years and printers use a color chart book called the PMS (Pantone Matching System) to determine exact colors.
The PMS System uses three and four digit numbers to make exact color matches.

Should the people of the Arizona Tea Party be issued this book and shown how to use it?
As a Jew I might not be quite white enough to qualify.|||I didn't know they were painting a mural. Your question makes no sense.

The law in Arizona is colorblind. My guess is you're being ignorant on purpose. (At least I hope so.)

You must be a liberal first and a Jew second, because your racism is showing.

Liberals see everyone by the color of their skin. It must be terrible to be so racist and bigoted.

I'm glad Arizona is enforcing a federal law that is not based on race, but on the law. I'm sorry you're not supportive of our laws.|||No.
Why don't we just make everyone white or black and be done with it?|||The guy in Prescott is a fvckhead. The only reason he's getting national attention for his garbage is because it gives Arizona's extension of federal illegal immigration law a black eye, which is handy for a bunch of anti-establishment liberals.|||I think it is true blue.|||Illegals cost tax payers billions of dollars each year. Their skin color does not cost us a penny. It is nothing to do with race. Give it up.|||I seriously doubt anyone in Arizona gives a flip about what you think.|||Yeah I'm confused too, how do the multicultural divided groups figure who exactly are the multi colored and multi ethnic white racist are?|||Move to Israel or Mexico. You screwed America with your Jew civil rights movements once already, you won't be allowed to do it again.|||Why do you, AS A LEFTIST, despise Israel?
You elected that moron Islamo-Black President who's screwing up OUR country, AND HATES YOUR KIND...and yet you critique a State that wants to defend itself from Invasion BY LITTLE BROWN PREDATORS????
Color you PINK!|||Don't worry, the Nazi-Arizona is now selling The Star of David patches, they no longer only come in yellow. You can get a green, yellow, blue, red, white, pink and purple too. And if you buy it now, you can get a second one free. Also for a limited time, you can get a Jesus Cross patch for a Hispanic friend. All this and more. Don't worry about forgetting your papers at home, they have the perfect solution. A police officer will be more than happy to give you a ride to one of their 5 star jail accommodations, and an all paid for trip to Mexico.|||I wish that you liberals would have to go live in Arizona and some of the other border states and put up with what those people have to put up with. But it's the same old story, liberals don't want to live in the same world that they prescribe for the rest of us.|||More importantly, they have to decide just how dark a tan someone may wear before they must carry identity papers just in case a cop pulls them over.


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